Horda Brand e Sarah Toscano

Horda Brand e Sarah Toscano

Horda Brand e Sarah Toscano: Una Collaborazione da Non Perdere La moda e la musica si incontrano in un connubio esplosivo grazie alla collaborazione tra Horda Brand e Sarah Toscano, vincitrice della ventitreesima edizione del...
Horda Brand, dove la creatività non ha limiti e ogni anno porta con sé una collezione esclusiva di prodotti straordinari

Horda Brand, where creativity has no limits and every year brings with it an exclusive collection of extraordinary products

Welcome to the world of Horda Brand, where creativity knows no bounds and each year brings an exclusive collection of extraordinary products. Each item is a celebration of originality, made with unique and never-before-reproduced graphics,...
Cosa vuol dire street wear? - Horda Brand Streetwear

What does street wear mean?

What Does Street Wear Mean? Introduction Street wear is more than just a style of clothing; it is a culture, a movement and a form of expression that has its roots in the streets of...
Horda Brand main sponsor di Orangle Talk Podcast - Horda Brand Streetwear

Horda Brand main sponsor of Orangle Talk Podcast

We are pleased to announce our partnership with Orangle Talk Podcast , a podcast hosted by Inoki Ness "Orangle Talk", the podcast that combines the world of music with authentic and engaging conversations. With the...
Le Differenze tra lo Streetwear Anni '90 e la Sua Evoluzione Oggi - Horda Brand Streetwear

The Differences Between 90's Streetwear and Its Evolution Today

The Differences Between 90's Streetwear and Its Evolution Today Streetwear is a cultural phenomenon that has deep roots in the 90s, but its evolution to the present day has led to significant changes in the...
La Moda Streetwear Baggy Fit: Stile, Comfort e Tendenza - Horda Brand Streetwear

Baggy Fit Streetwear Fashion: Style, Comfort and Trend

In this article, we will explore the Baggy Fit phenomenon in detail, analyzing its origins, characteristics, influences and its impact on fashion.
Horda Brand veste Mr Moon nel suono nuovo video - Horda Brand Streetwear

Horda Brand dresses Mr Moon in new sound video

Horda Brand wears Lunar in the video for his latest single "For us at Horda Brand it was a pleasure to dress this artist" Who is Lunar? Mattia Varsalona known by the pseudonym LUNAR (@mrmoon)...
Le Origini delle T-shirt - Horda Brand Streetwear

The Origins of T-Shirts

The Origins of T-Shirts The T-shirt, as we know it today, has its roots in men's underwear. In the late 19th century, workers in the United States and Europe wore wool undershirts that provided comfort...
Perché le T-Shirt si Chiamano Così? - Horda Brand Streetwear

Why Are T-Shirts Called That?

Why Are T-Shirts Called That? The simplest explanation for the name "t-shirt" is its shape. When a t-shirt is laid flat, it resembles the letter "T".